THE SUBJECT AND THE PREDICATE                             
(a)The subject is a word or a group of words that denotes the person or thing about which something is said Subject. It must be a noun or a noun equivalent ,and may consist of any number of words

(b)The Predicate is a e word or s group of  words that denotes what is said about the  subject. It must contain at least a finite verb expressed or understood

Subject                           Predicate

Rahim                            sings

He                                  is ill

My brother                    has gone

His name                        is known

A clever boy                  will act thus

My father                       is at home

4 The subject is a often understand in some sentences especially in Imperative ones .  Thus , Go there=go you there. Sit down=sit you down. In analyzing such a sentences the subject is to be supplied.

Exercise II
Divide the following sentences into subjects and predicates:

He is ill. Karim has done this. Nobody loves a bad boy. The wicked boy told me this. There girls came here. Our school is a big one. I love my Bangladesh. Give me a book. What do you want? Come at once. Is he there? The man in the room is my brother . The faithful dog followed its master into  the room.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. Very helpful. I've been looking for something like this .It was very informative article to learn about Subject predicate .Thanks for sharing.
