Tuesday 11 February 2014

Welcome to Our Higher English Grammar Site

English Grammar Book

We know that English Language is an international language. So, we can not lead our international life without learning of English Language. Every body has to learn English Language to build his future life. If we want to learn correctly it then we have to learn it's rules perfectly. So, I have written all rules of Higher English Grammar in this blog site for every body of the world. If you gain benefit from this site, pray to Allah for me. Thank You Every Body.   

Chapters of this Higher English Grammar
1. Sentence, 2. Subject and Predicate, 3. Phrases and Clauses, 4. Parts of Speech, 5. Nouns and Classifications, 6. Number, 7. Gender, 8. Case, 9. Adjectives, 10. Articles, 11. Pronouns, 12. Verbs, 13. Tense and Conjugation, 14. Voice, 15. Mood, 16. Verbals, 17. Auxiliary, Defective and Anomalous Verbs, 18. The sequence of Tenses, 19. Adverbs, 20. Prepositions, 21. Conjunctions, 22. Interjections, 23. Difference in the use of Words and Phrases, 24, The use of some words and phrases, 25. Same Words Used as different Parts of Speech, 26. Appropriate Prepositions, 27. Group verbs, 28. Direct and Indirect Narration, 29. Clauses, 30. Sentences: Simple, Complex, Compound, 31. Analysis of sentences, 32. Analysis (Continued), 33. A few Difficulties in Analysis, 34. Syntax, 35. Miscellaneous Corrections, 36. Parsing, 37. Common and Idiomatic Phrases, 38. Idiomatic uses of a few Words, 39. Transformation of Sentences, 40. Synthesis of Sentences, 41. Punctuation, 42. Change of meaning and Parts of Speech with the change of Accent, 43. Antonyms or words with Opposite Meanings, 44. Use of Verbs, 45. Difference between Words, 46. Synonyms, 47. Distinction between Phrases and Sentence, 48. Substitution of single Words for Phrases or Clauses, 49. Spelling, 50. Basic Structures of Sentence in English, 51. Letter-writing.